Updated: 04/20/20
We take security seriously at PRSNL Branding. In doing so, we've made it an effort to heighten and share our own security measures as a means to demonstrate our respect for your personally identifiable information (PII).
01. Hardware
FireVault is enabled on laptops, which secures the data on disk by automatically encrypting contents. FireWall is also turned on and set up to block incoming connections except for those required for internet.
02. Email
Email accounts are password protected with two-factor authentication (2FA) to ensure an extra layer of security between all communications and shared materials.
03. Online Access
DIY Kit Access is password protected with terms of use and privacy policies in place to prevent password sharing to non-paying individuals.
04. Social
PRSNL Branding is a verified Google Business and is identifiable on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. More so, PRSNL is an active business on AngelList, Crunchbase & Glassdoor ensuring credibility.
05. Site & Purchases
We use Squarespace, a secure sockets layer (SSL) Protected (or HTTPS Site) site to host and present our materials online. As for online purchases, Squrespace is compliant with The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) for online checkouts. We use Stripe as our payment processor, which is also PCI-DSS Compliant. More so, our Stripe is protected with two-factor authentication (2FA).
06. Communication
For client communication, we use Skype screen-sharing, which employs the Advanced Encryption Standard.