There are ten core traits behind effective personal brands. Here they’re posed as questions. Think of them as checklist for all ours actions...

01. Absolute

Is everything you present true to you who you are?
Or at least who you are striving to be viewed as?

02. Intentional

Is there deliberate reason for what you are doing?
Are you benefiting yourself? Pause before posting.

03. Idiosyncratic

Are you presenting yourself as a unique individual?
How are you genuinely differentiating yourself?

04. Synchronized

Are you aware of consistency across platforms?
Are you contradicting yourself or staying persistent?


Are you acknowledging the setting in which you're presenting yourself?
Is this the right place or appropriate framing in which to share?

06. BrIef

Are you being succinct with what you are sharing?
Are you wasting your or others' time?

07. Timely

Why are you doing this now and not yesterday or tomorrow?
Are you prioritizing your work in the right manner?

08. Valuable

Are you providing value to yourself?
Are you providing value to others?


Given that digital is everlasting, does it work in your favor?
Are you acknowledging the eternal component?

10. Networked

Given that everyone is connected, is this easily sharable or traceable?
Are you acknowledging the social component?

Matt KleinStep 03.